03 Oktober 2018


      Kalimat pasif adalah kalimat yang obyek (sasaran) dari suatu pekerjaan/kegiatan berada di awal kalimat. Sehingga, kata kerjanya menggunakan imbuhan DI... (misalnya : dipukul, diberi). Tujuan dari kalimat pasif adalah untuk memberi penekanan makna pada obyek suatu kegiatan.
Pemerintah telah membangun jembatan. (Kalimat aktif) Penekanan makna pada kegiatan pemerintah.
Jembatan telah dibangun oleh pemerintah. (Kalimat pasif) Penekanan makna pada Pembangunan jembatan.
   Dalam bahasa Inggris, perubahan dari kalimat aktif menjadi kalimat pasif juga diikuti dengan perubahan waktu. Secara singkat perubahan bentuk kata kerja dalam kalimat pasif dapat diringkas sbb.:

1. Waktu sekarang berlangsung (present continuous tense):
     Subyek+is/are+being+kata kerja III (past participle)+obyek/keterangan
     Contoh kalimat :
      A bridge is being built in my village
      (Jembatan sedang dibangun di desaku).
      My car is being repaired now.
      (Mobilku sedang diperbaiki sekarang).

2. Waktu sekarang selesai (present perfect tense):
     Subyek+have/has+been+kata kerja III (past participle)+obyek/keterangan
     Contoh kalimat :
      A bridge has been built in my village.
      (Jembatan telah dibangun di desaku)

3. Waktu lampau/yang lalu (past tense)
     Subyek+was/were+kata kerja III (past participle)+obyek/keterangan
      Contoh kalimat :
      A bridge was built in my village last year.
      (Jembatan dibangun di desaku tahun  lalu).
      My car was repaired yesterday
      (Mobilku diperbaiki kemarin).

4. Waktu sering diulang/kebiasaan (present tense).
     Subyek+is/are+kata kerja III (past participle)+obyek/keterangan
     Contoh kalimat :
     My car is usually being repaired every year.
     (Mobilku biasanya diperbaiki tiap tahun ).
     The bridge is usually being painted every year.
     (Jembatan itu biasanya dicat setiap tahun).

5. Waktu yang akan datang (Future tense)
     Subyek+will+be+kata kerja III (past participle)+obyek/keterangan
     Contoh kalimat :
     My car Will be repaired tomorrow.
     (Mobilku akan diperbaiki besok).
     The bridge will be painted tomorrow.
     (Jembatan itu akan dicat besok).

1. Dalam kalimat pasif, kata kerja (verb) selalu menggunakan kata kerja III (kata kerja yang ada di  
    kolomketiga dari daftar kata kerja)

2. Kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) selalu  merujuk pada subyek tunggal (singular noun) atau 
    subyek jamak (plural noun).

3. Adapun rincian penggunaan kata kerja bantu adalah sbb. :

     Subyek tunggal     Subyek jamak
                is --------------are
                was ----------- were
                has ------------have
                does ----------do
 4. Kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) berfungsi untuk membantu kata kerja utama (verb) dalam 
     membentuk, misalnya : kalimat pasif, kalimat tanya, kalimat perintah/larangan.

 5. Selain DO/DOES, HAS/HAVE, IS/ARE, WAS/WERE, kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb) tidak
     membedakan subyek tunggal atau subyek jamak dari suatu kalimat.

Sekian dulu postingan tentang kalimat pasif yang termasuk kategori grammar (tata bahasa).


01 Oktober 2018


      Tujuan utama teks naratif pada umumnya adalah mendidik dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Pelajaran tentang hidup dan kehidupan disampaikan oleh penutur atau penulis naratif dengan cara yang cenderung sederhana dan disesuaikan dengan dunia anak yang penuh imajinasi. Karena itulah teks naratif memiliki daya tarik yang tinggi bagi anak-anak, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa jenis teks ini berperan penting pada tahap-tahap awal pengembangan kemampuan literasi.
      Tujuan dari unit ini adalah agar siswa kelas 9 SMP mengetahui lebih jauh tentang teks naratif, agar minat mereka terhadap jenis teks ini meningkat. Dampak yang diharapkan timbul dari ini tidak lain adalah untuk peningkatan kemampuan literasi mereka dalam bahasa Inggris. Pemahaman mendalam tentang teks naratif tercermin dalam kemampuan siswa mengidentifikasi unsur-unsur berikut ini:
  1. struktur jenerik atau skematik
  2. ciri-ciri leksikogramar yang menonjol
  3. Fungsi sosial
Struktur Jenerik Test Naratif
Pada umumnya teks naratif dikembangkan dalam beberapa tahap, yakni:
1. Orientasi
Pada tahap ini penulis memperkenalkan tokoh-tokohnya: namanya, tempat tinggalnya, waktu hidupnya, keadaannya, keinginannya, dsb. Dengan kata lain, konteks terjadinya cerita perlu dikenalkan kepada pembaca atau pendengar pada awal cerita, karena tanpa pemahaman konteks ini akan sulit bagi pembaca untuk memahami terjadinya hal-hal yang terjadi pada tahap-tahap berikutnya. Orientasi bisa pendek ataupun panjang tergantung panjang pendeknya cerita.
2. Komplikasi
Komplikasi mengacu pada kejadian atau peristiwa yang tidak diharapkan terjadi terjadi pada tokoh cerita. Komplikasi ini nanti akan dapat diselesaikan oleh salah satu tokoh lainnya. Dalam satu cerita, dapat terjadi hanya satu komplikasi dan solusi, tetapi seringkali lebih dari satu kali. Dalam cerita petualangan, tokohnya biasanya mengalami komplikasi bertubi-tubi, namun tetap saja akhirnya dapat diselesaikan.
3. Resolusi
Tahap ini adalah tahap penyelesaian dari komplikasi yang telah muncul sebelumnya. Cerita yang biasanya memberikan penyelesaian masalah atau krisis secara logis dan menarik pembaca. Penyelesaian dari suatu masalah adalah kembalinya ke keadaan normal yang kurang lebih sama dengan keadaan semula.
4. Evaluation
Dalam beberapa narasi, terutama yang agak kompleks, terdapat bagian Evaluasi. Di bagian ini pembaca diajak untuk memikirkan tentang makna atau nilai dari suatu kejadian atau peristiwa. Dengan teknik ini penulis tidak perlu lagi menguraikan kejadian secara panjang lebar, tetapi cukup memberikan komentar tentang apa yang telah terjadi atau akan terjadi berikutnya. Hal ini dapat dilakukan melalui penuturan salah satu tokohnya.
5. Reorientasi atau Coda
Tidak semua naratif diakhiri dengan tahap ini, yakni tahap untuk menyimpulkan isi cerita. Tahap ini lebih sering digunakan pada naratif yang disampaikan secara lisan daripada yang tertulis. Dengan kata lain, bagian ini bersifat opsional.
Untuk lebih memahami penjelasan ini, marilah kita analisis cerita berjudul The Golden Tree dibawah ini. Untuk itu, bacalah dulu cerita tersebut dengan seksama.

ONCE upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess. He traveled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.
One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess.
"Well, we'll soon find that out," thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses. On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!" Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds.

Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that. So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.

Anda lihat bahwa pembagian cerita tersebut ke dalam beberapa paragraph ternyata tindak sembarangan, tetapi dilakukan secara sengaja berdasarkan makna dan fungsi setiap bagian. Jika diperhatikan lebih cermat lagi, isi setiap setiap paragraph juga masih dapat dipecah-pecah ke dalam beberapa bagian makna.
Perhatikan analisis struktur jenerik dari cerita tersebut di bawah ini.
Struktur jenerik
The Princess and the Pea
ONCE upon a time there was a prince who wanted to marry a princess; but she would have to be a real princess.
He traveled all over the world to find one, but nowhere could he get what he wanted. There were princesses enough, but it was difficult to find out whether they were real ones. There was always something about them that was not as it should be. So he came home again and was sad, for he would have liked very much to have a real princess.
One evening a terrible storm came on; there was thunder and lightning, and the rain poured down in torrents. Suddenly a knocking was heard at the city gate, and the old king went to open it. It was a princess standing out there in front of the gate. But, good gracious! what a sight the rain and the wind had made her look. The water ran down from her hair and clothes; it ran down into the toes of her shoes and out again at the heels. And yet she said that she was a real princess.
"Well, we'll soon find that out," thought the old queen. But she said nothing, went into the bed-room, took all the bedding off the bedstead, and laid a pea on the bottom; then she took twenty mattresses and laid them on the pea, and then twenty eider-down beds on top of the mattresses. On this the princess had to lie all night. In the morning she was asked how she had slept. "Oh, very badly!" said she. "I have scarcely closed my eyes all night. Heaven only knows what was in the bed, but I was lying on something hard, so that I am black and blue all over my body. It's horrible!"
Now they knew that she was a real princess because she had felt the pea right through the twenty mattresses and the twenty eider-down beds. Nobody but a real princess could be as sensitive as that.
So the prince took her for his wife, for now he knew that he had a real princess; and the pea was put in the museum, where it may still be seen, if no one has stolen it.

13 Maret 2017


        Banyak cara yang bisa kita tempuh dalam upaya mendukung kemampuan berbahasa Inggris baik secara lisan maupun secara tertulis. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan mempelajari makna kata THAT dalam kalimat. Kalau kita teliti dalam kamus bilingual (dua bahasa), arti kata itu (that) sebenarnya juga sudah ada. Namun secara tata bahasa, makna akan bergeser bila kalimat yang digunakan berbeda.

      Berikut ini penjelasannya :
1. Kata THAT artinya ITU bila dipakai didepan nama benda tunggal (singular noun).
Contohnya. :
- Many people don't like THAT animal. (Banyak orang tidak menyukai binatang itu).

-THAT book ia very expensive. (Buku itu sangat mahal).

-THAT is a good idea ! (ITU ide yang bagus !).

2. THAT artinya bisa BAHWA bila dipakai diantara dua kalimat yang memiliki subyek dan predikat.
- He said THAT he have no money. (Dia mengatakan bahwa dia tidak punya uang).

3. THAT juga bisa diartikan YANG dalam bahasa Indonesia bila digunakan dalam sebuah frasa penjelas. Frasa adalah sekumpulan kata yang memiliki satu makna. Misalnya : anak yang rajin, siswa yang pandai.
- He helped a boy THAT had a stomach ache. (Dia menolong seorang anak laki laki yang sakit perut).

1. Kata THOSE merupakan bentuk jamak dari THAT. Misalnya kita mengatakan "THAT book is mine" dan "THOSE books are mine" artinya sama, hanya yang membedakan subyek tunggal (THAT book) dan subyek jamak (THOSE books).

2. Ada kata idiom yang digunakan bersama kata THAT sehingga membentuk arti baru, misalnya
SO THAT artinya sehingga. Kata THAT tersebut tidak termasuk bahasan di atas.

Sekian dulu, terima kasih atas kunjungannya.

28 Februari 2017


Kata IS artinya bisa bervariasi sesuai dengan struktur kalimat yang digunakan. Contoh kalimat dibawah ini mewakili penggunaan kata IS dalam kalimat.

1. The flower is beautiful (Bunga itu indah).
2. The flower is picked up by her. (Bunga itu dipetik olehnya)
3. The flower is blooming (Bunga itu sedang mekar)
4. Is the flower expensive ? (Apakah bunga itu mahal ?)

Dari keempat contoh kalimat di atas, kata IS artinya (terjemahannya) dalam bahasa Indonesia berbeda beda sesuai struktur kalimat yang menyertainya.

Penjelasan :
1. IS digunakan dalam pola kalimat SUBYEK+IS+KETERANGAN artinya "adalah" atau kadang tidak ada artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia karena kata itu berfungsi sebagai penjelas subyek.

2. IS yang diikuti kata kerja past participle (kata kerja kolom ke 3 dalam daftar kumpulan kerja ) artinya "di+arti dasar kata kerja itu" misalnya dibuat (IS made), diminum (IS drunk), dilarang (IS prohibited). Selanjutnya, pola kalimat itu juga disebut kalimat pasif.

3. IS diikuti kata kerja infinitive+ING (kata kerja kolom pertama dalam daftar kumpulan kata kerja) artinya "sedang melakukan sesuatu kegiatan", misalnya sedang makan (IS eating) , sedang tidur (IS sleeping).

4. IS yang ditempatkan di awal kalimat dan diikuti subyek artinya "apakah" , yang berupa pertanyaan dengan jawaban "ya" atau "tidak".
Misalnya : IS he sick? (Apakah dia sakit?).

IS dan ARE artinya dalam konteks kalimat kalimat di atas adalah sama. Bila subyek keempat kalimat di atas diganti kata benda jamak (bendanya lebih dari satu) maka kata IS harus diganti ARE dengan tidak merubah arti kalimat dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Jadi, subyek jamak + ARE , dan subyek tunggal + IS.

Sekian dulu postingan tentang pemakaian kata IS dan ARE dalam struktur yang berbeda.

18 Oktober 2016

Unit 11 Simple Past Tense (Waktu Lampau)

Unit 12
On Mother’s Day
by Mary
On Sunday it was Mother’s day. I woke up at 7:00. I wanted to make breakfast for mum. I wanted her to have breakfast in bed.
I got a present for mum and wrapped it up. I put a bow on it.
Then I went to the kitchen and made two pieces of toast. I put some butter and jam. I also made a cup of tea. Then I put everything on a tray.
Then I brought the breakfast to mum’s bed. I said, “Happy Mother’s day, Mummy.” And she said, “Thank you so much.”
Then my dad came and said, “You don’t have to cook on Mothers’ day”. So we went to Pizza Hut for dinner.

Activity 3

Work in pairs to answer these questions:
  1. What was the story about?
  2. Who were in the story?
  3. Where did the story take place?
  4. When did the story happen?
  5. When was the Mothers’ Day?
  6. Why did the writer wake up at 7:00?
  7. Why did she make breakfast for his mother?
  8. What does the writer want with this text?
a. To tell things that happened in the past
b. To tell the listeners how to do something
a. To describe something as it is
b. To explain why things happen
Here is another story about a personal experience telling past events. This time Mary wrote on a post-card for Anita, her pen friend. She wrote about her experience during her trip to Mount Bromo in East Java.
Activity 4
Before you read try to answer these questions.
o How does Mary begin her story?
o How does she make her story easy to follow?
o How does she end her story?
Read all about it.



Answer these questions.

1. Why did Mary write the letter?

2. Who did she write to?

3. How many days did she go on the trip?
4. Where did they go?
5. Here are the words that Mary uses to tell the order of events. Find the words/phrases in Mary’s story and circle them.
in the afternoon on Saturday then on Friday on Sunday
6. Now, write these words in the order they appear in the story (recount).
7. Are the verbs in the present or past tense?
8. Write all the action verbs you find.
______________ _____________ ____________ _______
9. Mary wrote the events of the day in the order they happened.
Check her story again. Then number these sentences in their correct order.
_____ I went home on Saturday afternoon.
_____ I stayed at Nida’s house.
_____ We saw some cockatoos.
_____ I went to Mount Bromo in East Java.
_____ We took some pictures.
_____ Nida and I saw Gunung Batok with Nida.
10. At the end of Mary's recount she tells us what she thinks about the trip. This is called the reorientation.
11. Underline the sentences that make up the reorientation in Mary's story.



Activity 5

Discuss these questions in pairs.

· Have you ever gone on a study tour?
· Did you tell your experience to your Dad or Mum?
· clip_image013Did you write a postcard to your friends?
· Did you also keep what you experienced in a diary?
· What places did you visit during your study tour?
· Did your teacher ask you to write a recount or story after the trip?

Activity 6

Nida wrote about her school's trip to the Botanic Gardens for the school magazine. Read all about it.
a. Then, write the text structure of her recount on the space provided.







b. Answer these questions.

  1. What is the text about?
  2. ‘We’ in the text above refer to ___________________________________
  1. Did Nida tell what Year Seven students do?
  2. When did they do it? Where?
  3. What was the first thing they did when they arrived?
  4. What did they do next?
  5. Who do you think Mrs. Rita was?
  6. What did she do?
  7. Where did Year Seven go next?
  8. How did they return to school?
Activity 7
Now let’s study the text more closely. Discuss in groups of four.
1. The time conjunctions in the story are used to order the events.
Underline the time conjunctions in Nida's recount.
Then, write them down in the order they appear in the text.
__On Thursday 27 April ______________ _____________
_______________________ ______________ ______________
2. Why did Nida write the story to the school magazine?
3. Does she put the events in the story in the order they happened?
4. Circle the verbs that Nida uses to tell the events.
5. Do the verbs show the actions you can see?
6. Are the verbs present tense or past tense?
7. Which part of the text is meant to end her story?
8. What is it called?



Activity 8

Discus these questions with a partner.
1. At the beginning of Nida’s recount, she told who the characters are, where the event took place and when it happened. This is called orientation.
Underline the answers to these questions in Nida’s recount.
· Who took part in this trip?
· When did it take place?
· Where did it take place?
2. How many sentences did Tina take for this orientation? ______________
3. In the next part of her story Nida tells the events during her trip one after another. She tells them in the order they happened. This makes her story easy to follow.
This part of the story is called event or series of events.
Guess what
What are onions?
Nida wrote the events of the day in the order they happened.
4. Check his story again. Then number these sentences in their correct order.

clip_image021We got on the bus and returned to school.
clip_image022We went to a little spot to have morning tea.
clip_image023We went around the farm to see beautiful orchids.
clip_image024We walked down to the Education Centre.
clip_image025We got on the bus to go to the Botanic Gardens.
We went back to the Education Centre to have lunch.
At the end of Nida's recount she tells us how the day ended. This is called the reorientation.
5. Underline the sentences that make up the reorientation in Nida's story.
Nida made her story more interesting by telling us what she thought or felt about different things she saw, for example, she says:

This is one of her personal comments on she experienced on that day.
6. Now read again Mary’s post-card to Anita above. Find all the personal comments from her recount. One Mary’s personal comment is given as an example.
___It has a big garden with lots of colourful flowers and a fishpond.____
Guess what
What do you wear
on your head?




Activity 9

All sentences begin with capital letters.
Some nouns always begin with capital letters although they do not appear at the beginning of a sentence.
a. List all the nouns in Nida’s story that begin with capital letter.
clip_image033 Thursday, April, Year Seven, …
These nouns are the special names given to
a. people (Mrs Rita, Year Seven, etc)
b. animals (Mickey Mouse, Teddy Bear, etc.)
c. places (the Botanic Gardens, Jakarta),
a. things (Thursday, Mars, etc).
b. With a partner find more nouns that always begin with capital letters. You may find them from the stories that you just heard or read.
Names of People

Names of Places
New York

Names of Things

Names of Animals


Botanic Garden

Mount Bromo

Scooby Do

Guess what
clip_image044 clip_image045

What are daisies?


21 Mei 2015

Unit 11 Simple Past Tense

Unit 11
Section One

Activity 1

Your teacher may ask these questions.
Discuss with a friend.
  • Do you tell stories to a friend?
  • What do people say to start a story ?
  • Do people sometimes write their stories?
  • Do you write a diary?
  • Do you write your experience on a post-card? Why?
  • Do some of you also write it for the school magazine?
Vocabulary Building

Activity 2

The words in the box are things people write on. Match the words with the questions.

1. What is a thin book that you buy each week or month?
2. What is a newspaper with a lot of photographs in it?
3. What is a story of someone’s life written by someone else?
4. What is a book that tells you about past events?
5. What is a small notebook in which you write what has happened during your day?
6. What do you call sheets of paper with words and pictures printed on them? You read this to find out about world events.
7. What is a list of words and their meanings arranged in alphabetical order?

Grammar Focus
1. The Simple Past Tense

To tell something that happened in the past you use simple past tense.

- How do you do that?
- It’s quite simple. Change the verb into the past tense form.
Verbs in the past tense often end in ed or -d.
The verbs are called regular verbs.

Activity 3

a. Change these regular verbs from the present tense to the past tense.
Today we Yesterday we

b. Now try these tricky ones. These are irregular verbs.
They don’t get –ed to change into the past tense.
Today he Yesterday he
goes clip_image018

Activity 4

Complete these irregular verbs. Use your dictionary to get help. Then compare your list with a partner’s.
Base Form Simple Past Tense
a. do did
b. come ____________
c. see ____________
d. wake ____________
e. feel ____________
f. ____________ drove
g. make ____________
h. ____________ wrote
i. buy ____________
j. ____________ read
k. have ____________
2. Simple past: questions and negatives
We make questions and negatives with did and didn’t.

Did you get up early yesterday? Yes, I did.
Did Tina get up early yesterday? No, she didn’t.
We didn’t watch football match last week.
They didn’t watch football match last week.
  • Simple Past Question


· Simple Past Negative

Activity 5
With a partner, try to ask questions and answer based on the pictures below. Do as the examples.

1. A: Did Tina get up late yesterday?
B: Yes, she did. She got up at seven.
2. A: Did she go to school?
B: No, she didn’t. She stayed at home.
3. A: Did she have breakfast at 8:00?
B: No, she didn’t. She had breakfast at 7:30.
These pictures show what Tina did on a holiday last weekend.
a. get up at 7.00 b. have breakfast c. wash the dishes
d. wash her clothes e. watch TV f. stay at home
a. Now, take turn with a partner to tell what Tina did that holiday.
You may begin the story as the following. Don’t forget to change the verbs into the past tense form.

Activity 6
Tina’s aunt, Najwa Shihab, worked late last night.
On her way home, she was robbed. She reported the crime to the police. The police asked her questions and wrote a report.
a. Complete the police report with the past tense of the verbs. Make sure you spell the past tense correctly.

b. These statements about the police report are all wrong. Discuss with a pair to correct them. Number 1 is done for you.

  1. Najwa left the office early last night.
Najwa didn’t leave the office early last night. She left the office late.

  1. She went home by taxi. _____________________________________
  2. The robbery happened near her office. _________________________
  3. A man pulled her. __________________________________________
  4. The thief took the purse away. ________________________________
  5. The police caught the thief. __________________________________
  6. Najwa cried. _______________________________________________
  7. She walked toward a taxi. ____________________________________
  8. The thief stopped at Sudirman Street. __________________________
  9. The robbery happened before 10:00 p.m. _______________________
clip_image031clip_image032clip_image033clip_image034clip_image035 Guess what
What do zebras have?
Section Two

Activity 1

a. Tina’s father had his birthday last night. Tina told her friends about what she did with the family.
· Find out how her father celebrated his birthday.
· What did Tina eat at the restaurant?
clip_image038Tina also wrote the experience in her diary.
b. Answer these questions with a partner.
· How did Tina’s father celebrate his birthday?
· What did Tina eat at the restaurant?
· What did Tina and the family do after dinner?
· How did Tina begin her story?
· What did she tell her friends about?
· Did she tell the events in the order they happened?
· In conversations, people usually use expressions like: Hi, every body, and well. Find the rest in Tina’s story.
________________ _______________ ______________
· How did Tina end her story?
· Do you like the story?
clip_image039clip_image040 Guess what

clip_image043What do you wear?

Activity 2

Tina wrote what she told in her diary.
Your teacher will read the entry for you.
But some words in the entry are missing.

clip_image045Listen to your teacher and write the missing words in the blank spaces.

b. Answer these questions.
1. Is the message in Tina’s story and diary different?
2. What expressions were not used in her diary? Why?
3. What words or phrases are used to order the events?
When you write in a diary you often use past tense. This is because you usually tell what happened in the past.
4. Write the verbs in Tina’s diary here.
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
The verbs above are past tense. They tell us that the actions happened in the past.
Tina did these things one after another.
5. Put these in the order they happened.
____ She went home.
____ She went to a restaurant.
____ She ate some ice cream.
____ She ate a pizza and salad.
Section Three

Activity 1

clip_image056Let’s create a story.

This is your basic story.
Try to add details.
The words in (brackets) should help you.
Do this in groups of four.

(Your group may come up with something like this.)
A truck driver stopped for a lunch at a small restaurant one afternoon. The driver was eating fried rice and drinking coffee when some young men from a motorcycle gang came in and started causing trouble. ….

Activity 2

Choose one of the group members to tell the class. Let him or her practice reading it aloud in the group before telling it to the class.

Section Four

Activity 1

Meet five of your friends.

Ask them where they were and what they did last weekend.
Then, fill up the table below.
Number one is done as an example.

You may use these questions to ask your friends.

· Where were you last weekend?
· What did you do? What time?
· What did you after that?
· What did you do then?



1. Tina
Tina went to the market in the morning to buy some fruit.

Then, she bought a tabloid at a newsstand. After that she went home.

Activity 2

Then, tell your friend sitting next to you about what your five classmates did at last weekend.

Activity 3

With a friend, discuss what you can tell about what you did yesterday or last weekend. Then, take turn to tell about what you did.
Follow these:
a. Use what Tina did last Sunday as a model.
b. Tell you what you did first, what next, … and last.
c. Take turn to practice telling to your friend.
d. Tell to the class.
Activity 4
Get ready to tell to your class.
Remember that you should:
a. begin your story by telling
- when and where it happened
- who the character was/were
b. tell the happenings in order they happened
c. end your story with good ending.
You could:
Section Five


Activity 1

Discuss these questions.
· clip_image068Do you send a post-card to friends?
· Do you tell a friend about a trip you had?
· Do you keep a diary?
· Some people keep a diary. They write their interesting events. They want to keep them as memories.
· Do you read history books?
· Do you like reading biographies?
clip_image069When we talk or write about past events, we are giving a recount. So what you write on a postcard telling a friend about your trip, for example, is a recount.
Writings in some history books, biographies, and
diaries also use recounts. It’s because they tell
about past events.
Activity 2
Discuss with your friends what other writings can be recounts? Consider your daily experience with various texts.
Vocabulary Building

Activity 3

We use adjectives to describe things. Match the words with the meaning.
big having many colours
colourful not small
clip_image071scenic nearer
beautiful very good to look at
closer having beautiful views



Activity 4

We use groups of words to describe things we saw or experienced.
big garden, colourful flowers, closer look, beautiful sceneries.

We call this group of words a noun group or noun phrase. This noun group is made up of mostly nouns and describing adjectives.
Find three more noun groups from what we have in the classroom. Examples are a good book, blue pencils, a thick dictionary, etc. Write them in the boxes below.
clip_image074 clip_image075

clip_image039[1]clip_image077clip_image078clip_image079clip_image080 Guess what
What do apples
grow on?
Grammar Focus
1. Time Conjunctions

Activity 1
In her diary, Tina used special words when
she told about her father’s birthday.
This is because she wanted to tell the reader
what happened first, second, next … and so on.
1. Find the following words in Tina's story diary above. Circle them.
then after dinner last night
2. Now write these words in the order they appear in the recount.

2. Action Verbs

Activity 2

Every one of Tina's sentences has a verb in it.
Without a verb each sentence would not be complete.
Tina has used many action verbs in his recount;
for example, went and stayed.
What are action verbs?
These verbs show the actions when you do them, like ….

a. Now, with a partner see how many more action verbs you can find in Mary’s article On Mother’s Day in Section Six.
We found action verbs.
clip_image090clip_image091clip_image092 Guess what

What do you carry?
b. Read the following story and underline the four action verbs in it.
c. How many different action verbs can you think of to make this sentence complete?
Mary ____________________ Mount Bromo.
Write them in this space.
____________________ _________________ ____________________ __________________
_______________­­­­­__ __________________
Section Six
Mary tells about what she did for her mother on a Mothers’ day. She wrote this on her school magazine.
Activity 1

Discuss these questions with a friend. Your teacher may ask these:
1. Do you celebrate a Mothers’ day?
2. Do you do something special for your mother?
3. Do we sometimes have breakfast in bed?
4. Have you seen a person having breakfast in bed?
5. Why do they have breakfast in bed?
6. What date is Mother’s Day?
7. Is there any Father’s Day?
8. What do you do for your Dad?
clip_image091[1]clip_image096clip_image097 Guess what
What do men grow
on their chins?

Activity 2

Try to answer these questions.
  • How does Mary begin her story?
  • How does she end the story?
  • Can you follow the story easily?
In pairs, read Mary’s article about the events on a Mother’s Day.